Be My Little Valentine: Shanny's Surprise
Coming February 14, 2024
Riggs watched the gorgeous little skater boy do a cannonball into the ball pit and shook his head. The brat was going to get himself hurt if he wasn’t careful, or worse, hurt someone else. With no one else around to take him in hand, Riggs figured he’d better do it before there was blood to clean up, so he crossed the room, determined to get to him.
“Hey Riggs, you got a moment?”
He really didn’t, especially not for Casey, who stepped into his path as Shanny climbed out of the ball pit. Was it too much to hope that he’d sit quietly and wait for someone to take notice of him. Of course it was. Out of the corner of his eye he saw Shanny tip over into a handstand and sidestepped Casey.
“No, I don’t,” Riggs declared, stepping past him, but he was too late to prevent Shanny from balancing on one hand, showing off until he tipped sideways and went careening into the pit.
It looked like he’d caught his shoulder on the edge on the way down, and when he didn’t come up right away, Riggs felt a moment of panic. He reached the edge of the pit in time to see the surface of the ball pit bulge. Shanny stood there hunched over, clutching his arm and whimpering.
Oh yeah, he’d hurt himself for sure.
Riggs eased into the pit alongside him, keeping his voice low as he approached. “You’re okay little one,” Riggs cooed as he waded through the balls. “Let’s have a look and see what kind of damage you’ve done to yourself.”
Shanny made a low, distressed around as Riggs slid an arm around him and steered him towards the edge of the pit.
“It hurts,” Shanny whined.
“I know it does, sweetheart. I’ll take a look as soon as we get you out of here.”
Even as he spoke, he kept both hands around Shanny, guiding him up the steps and over to the benches that surrounded the play area. By then, Shanny was clinging to him and trembling, soft sobs making it clear that he’d truly injured himself. Riggs got him seated and gently tried to pry Shanny’s hands off his arm so he could take a look at the damage he’d done to himself.
“Shhh, easy now. I know it hurts, but you need to let me take a look at it so I know if we need a first aid kit or the hospital.
“Okay,” Shanny whined.
It sounded like he was on the verge of Little space, which meant Riggs would need to tread carefully to not make the moment more traumatizing for him. The moment he got a look at that shoulder, he knew there was nothing they’d be able to do for it there. Shanny needed a hospital, which meant Riggs needed a car because there was no way in hell Shanny would be able to hold on to him on his bike. Fortunately, Casey was staring his way, so he waved the man over, willing to put their issues aside to help their clubs newest sub.
“Shanny hurt himself. Can you bring your car around,” Riggs curtly announced the moment Casey was close enough.
“Of course,” Casey took off in a flurry of motion, leaving Riggs to place a kiss on the top of Shanny’s head.
“Come on, up you go, I don’t want to try and carry you with your shoulder like that. I’m going to need you to be a brave boy and walk to the exit,” Riggs encouraged.
Shanny sniffled, but he let Riggs help him up and direct him towards the exit, one small hand clinging to Rigg’s t-shirt. If there was ever a moment that highlighted the difference in their sizes, this was it. Glancing down at the top of Shanny’s head, and lower, to where his fist clutched Rigg’s t-shirt right over his abs, Riggs was left with a feeling of protectiveness and possessiveness too, despite the circumstances and the shittyness of the timing. If he’d been able to stop Shanny from taking his tumble, he’d have been assured a wonderful evening filled with giggles, cuddles, and playing Trouble, which he’d discovered Shanny loved. Was something ironic about that too, with the little one’s tendency towards poking into things he shouldn’t.
“Here we go, sweetheart,” Riggs cooed as they reached the sidewalk where Casey waited with his car. He had the door open too, which made it easier to ease Shanny inside. His insides did a funny flip flop when Shanny refused to let go, meaning Riggs about cracked his head on the roof of the car climbing in after him. Shanny immediately curled up against him which made it difficult for Riggs to get their seatbelts on but he managed as Casey pulled away from the curb and headed in the direction of the hospital.
“How bad did it look,” Casey asked as he maneuvered through traffic.
“I’m not a doctor, but I’m pretty sure he dislocated it.”
“It might not have happened if you hadn’t gotten in my way.”
“Dude, what the hell? I just wanted to invite you to a munch at Angus’.” Casey said. “Look, I know shit has been tough for you lately but why all the hostility?”
“Now isn’t the time or the place to get into it.”
“Fine, I can respect that, just know it had better come soon.”
Riggs just grumbled beneath his breath as he stroked Shanny’s hair. All of his focus on the man in his arms.
“I see how you look at him,” Casey said. “I have no intention of getting in that way if that’s what you’re worried about.”
“It’s not, but thanks,” Riggs growled, refusing to give the man the satisfaction of knowing that there had been some concerns regarding just that particular issue.
“Good, ‘cause I mean it. I’ve got my eye on someone else and I wish you all the best. Despite the circumstances he looks like he was made to be in your embrace.”
“How very poetic of you,” Riggs muttered. “Now would you kindly drop it.”
“Consider it dropped.”
They hit a pothole and the anguished cry Shanny let out made his heart ache.
“Can you not hit every bump in the street,” Riggs snapped
“I’m doing the best I can, here,” Casey growled. “It’s not my fault the city city can’t be bothered to repair their streets.”
“Gonna fill it with your corpse if you nail another hole like that,” Riggs declared.
“Under the circumstances, I’m gonna let that slide, but if you ever threaten me again, we will have issues. Just tend to your boy and let me get us there.”
“He’s not…” Riggs began, only to catch a glimpse of Casey in the rear view, looking fierce and pissed off.
“Don’t bother feeding me that line of bullshit,” Casey said. “It might not be official, but he is in every way that counts.”
Riggs looked down at the man clinging to him and wished he could take all his pain away.
“Goddamnit, how far are we from the hospital,” Riggs hissed.
“Less than two minutes,” Casey said as he took a somewhat sharp left to beat a light, drawing another cry from Shanny.
“Casey…” Riggs warned.
“Look, it’s right there,” Casey said, the lights at the end of the street showing that they were practically there. Another hard bounce, another heartbreaking whimper, and then they were pulling up at the ER.
“We’re here,” Riggs said, gently hugging Shanny while Casey rushed to get the door open and help Riggs guide Shanny out.
“It hurts so much,” Shanny sobbed as they got him inside.
“I gotta move the car,” Casey said.
“You don’t have to stay,” Riggs insisted.
“No, but I want to.”
Riggs was forced to leave it at that so he could speak to the nurse and see about getting Shanny some help. Fortunately, the place didn’t look to be busy so they were quickly shown to a cubicle to await someone to take Shanny’s vitals.
“Just breathe with me and they’ll have you fixed up soon.”
“Th-thank you,” Shanny stammered, still pressed against his side. “S-sorry I messed up your night.”
“You did no such thing,” Riggs told him. “I was hoping for the chance to spend some time with you and you managed to find the perfect opportunity.”
“Wouldn’t call this perfect,” Shanny sniffled.
“Okay, so maybe the execution could use some work, or not, personally, I think you could do without the repeat of the falling part.”
Shanny managed a giggle at that and Riggs kissed him on the forehead, glad they could at least laugh about it, no matter how it had happened. He had Shanny all to himself, if only for a little while and the unexpected opportunity to take care of him. Christmas might be two weeks away, but as far as he was concerned he was getting his gift right now, the only thing he wished he could change was the pain Shanny was having to go through in order to make it happen.